Calculate Your Network’s Value

How many VP or Executive level contacts do you have in your network on Linkedin?

0 Contacts
Network Value*
*Based on the average consulting contract value per business lead after sales funnel conversion
$ 0 Network

Try the “Executive’s Digital Campaign” a pilot program that converts your resting network into a thriving dialogue for lead generation

Export Contacts

Your VA converts your Linkedin contacts into a CRM database that can be properly managed

Segment List

Cleaning and filling in missing data in your list allows for sorting and preparation for campaigns

Build Campaign

Tailoring email templates to best reflect your brand and persona in an email campaign

Prompt Response

Upon your approval, launching the campaign to rekindle awareness and interest in you and your service

Make the Most of 2017

What are your goals for your business this year?

Activate Your Professional Network!

Revitalize your network the professional way with email and Linkedin Marketing

through email and social reminders without any feel of sleazy sales.

Try It